2 minutes

Fair Data Society blog is now hosted on Swarm

With recent updates making Swarm a much more reliable network, it's time to start using it in production. The first step is the launch of a self-hosted, decentralised Fair Data Society blog on Swarm. As far as we know, this is the first publicly hosted official blog on Swarm (yay!). While it may not seem like much at first glance, we believe it's a sign of change.

Permission-less publishing, FTW!

The first official blog on Swarm symbolically marks the beginning of the era of permission-less publishing on Swarm, continuing the decentralisation of the web beyond the blockchain. It means content can be self-hosted again without middlemen charging crazy hosting costs as traffic grows. After two decades, creators are back in control and can share and charge for their work on their own terms.

What is notably different this time, compared to the early days of the Web, is that content is stored on a decentralised, immutable, public network that is open and accessible to all! Anyone can publish their content without fear of it being taken offline or that a platform will not allow it in the first place. Probably nothing.

One DISC*, unlimited access

Right now, reading this blog post, it does not feel special, it is like any other blog. However, if blog.fairdatasociety.org is shut down for some reason, do not panic. The blog's Swarm address ( feed, to be exact) is connected to a ENS domain, making it easily accessible through any other gateway. You can test it via by using the bzz.link: fairdatasociety.bzz.link (just works) or via the official Swarm Foundation gateway, for example here: bee-0.gateway.ethswarm.org/bzz/fairdatasociety.eth/, or via your own Bee node. One decentralised storage, no downtime, unlimited gateways and you are in control of your data.

Here is to more freedom. The web can once again become a medium for the free exchange of information and expression, just as it was intended to be over 30 years ago.

More blog posts will follow soon. We hope you will enjoy reading them.

* Distributed Immutable Store of Chunks

Note: The FDS blog will continue to be available and semi-regularly updated on Medium, latest news will be posted here, on the official blog first.

371 words
2021-12-11 00:00
Permission-less publishing