3 minutes

WAM Sessions — a monthly Web3 jam

By Fair Data Society

On 9 August 2022 at 17:00 CET, Fair Data Society will kick off its series of Web3-themed talks called WAM Sessions, hosted on the Fair Data Society Discord and Twitter spaces (links will be provided in advance).

These informative and thought-provoking discussions will focus on privacy, digital freedom and the arts at the intersection of Web3. The discussions will be complemented with practical video workshops that will show you how Web3 technologies can make your life more private and decentralised.

With WAM Sessions you’ll get to look past the marketing hype and be able to understand why Web3 is not just a fad, but a technology with deep inherent value and potential.

Every month, new sessions with complementary workshops will air. In addition to the discussions, you’ll have the opportunity to dive into a live debate with the guests after each session on the Fair Data Society Discord (“stage-chat” channel).

Programme in August

In August you can already expect two panels and three workshops:

9 August

  • PanelA free press and its role in a free digital society:
    Toby Negrin (former CPO at the Wikimedia Foundation), Costanza Gallo (Swarm Association) and Yarno Ritzen (investigative journalist at Al Jazeera) will take a look at different perspectives on freedom of speech.
  • Workshop — Free press infrastructure by Igor Shadurin: Create a censorship resistant blog on Swarm in 30 minutes + Create your whistleblower inbox in 5 minutes

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16 August

  • Panel — Fair data economy as an opportunity and alternative to surveillance capitalism
    Sille Sepp — Deputy General Manager of MyData Global, a non-profit
    organisation exploring and promoting fair, ethical and sustainable use of personal data.
    Ruben Lasuy — An expert in data privacy, data governance and information management who has worked with large businesses such as AXA, Telenor, and Komatsu.
    Črt Ahlin — Fair Data Society

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23 August

  • Workshop — Decentralised backend by Sabyasatchi: How to use fairOS as your unstoppable decentralised file system and database across desktop and mobile

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30 August

  • Workshop — Fork to freedom by Tadej Fius: Create your open source dApp on Swarm in one hour using fair data building blocks (Fairdrive, FDP, fairOS)

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Become part of the Fair Data Society community

Web3 is here to stay, so why not make the most out of it. Come to WAM Sessions and jam with the community to the tune of decentralisation, privacy and digital freedom. Don’t miss out on all the latest news, product updates and events from Fair Data Society.

Join the discussion on Twitter and Discord and help shape the programme by submitting your topic or guest requests and suggestions.




456 words
2022-08-01 22:00